Job Interview Tips and Tricks

by | Blog Posts, Business, Career


By Maya Kaelei Lewis

The First Impression

           Congratulations! You have successfully landed an interview for a job you are really excited about and hope to secure. After tireless effort and time invested into catching employers’ attention, your hard work has finally paid off. Now, the moment has come for you to demonstrate why you of all candidates should be selected for this position and prove to yourself that your skills can be put to use. 

           The key to a successful interview is making a good first impression. Making eye contact, engaging in the conversation, smiling, speaking coherently, and most importantly displaying self-confidence all make up a quintessential good first impression. Being fully present with the hiring manager throughout the interview process establishes that you sincerely want to be there in that moment, not simply to get it over with. Looking someone in the eye, asking non-generic questions, and responding earnestly are all part of letting the interviewer know that you are enthusiastic about the work you may do. When you speak, ease your nervousness by slowing your breath and concentrating on the goal at hand. Re-centering your mindset will allow you to communicate clearly and make your responses comprehensible. 

           Lastly, demonstrating confidence will solidify your candidacy for the position you hope to acquire. The power of sharing your skills, experience, passion, and drive cannot be overstated as it lets employers know that you are a highly capable applicant who will bring so much to the table and all of themself into the work that they do. Even if you are overcome with anxiety at the thought of failure, feigning self-confidence goes a long way as you continue to put your best foot forward in a time when it counts the most. 


Creating a Lasting Impression

          The follow-up portion of the interview process is just as important as the interview itself because you are affirming your candidacy. Communication is imperative when creating a lasting impression on employers as the goal is for them to recall all of your thoughtful responses about your skills and experience. After the interviewer completes their questions, ask them questions as well regarding company culture, the team, and their personal experience. Demonstrating genuine interest in what it means to be a part of the company will further indicate that you are the right choice for the position. 

           Additionally, sending a follow-up email thanking the interviewer for their time and consideration is a courteous expression of your appreciation for the opportunity. This email can be brief with a few sentences letting the interviewer know that you are thankful for this chance, enjoyed the conversation you had, and wish them a great rest of their day. Creating a lasting impression lies in being a bright presence throughout the whole process, from when you first introduce yourself to the moment you are waiting for their final decision.