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Our New College Essay Coaching Services
These services tailor the typical services we offer to be college essay coaching focused. Submit your resume and let GTL help!

Our College Essay Coaching “Talent Connect” services provide flexible 45-min micro-consulting sessions to high school seniors in the essay writing process. Participants may also request to speak to linkers from any college, such as Harvard, Princeton, and Brown to help write a “Why College X” or who gain inspiration.
Price: $70 for a 45 min. session
Limited Time Offer: Get a $1.00 Talent Connect for your first session by simply submitting your resume here!

For systemic support in writing their Common App essay, we have a pre-designed ‘Learner Sprint,’ to help applicants develop a compelling narrative through six interactive hour-long sessions. We also provide customized services to meet your individual needs beyond essay writing and admissions.
Price: $2500 for 5 sprints
Limited Time Offer: Once you complete a Talent Connect, you will receive a 20% discount on your Learner Sprint!